
2007 RFTC   2008 RFTC   Old Poker   Sica cup    TOC

Bad News
my website has been hacked, due to my lack of protection and lassie fare attitude to such mundane things.  I have repaired it now that the horses are out of the barn.  However many pages are gone, i have not examined the whole site yet.  The 2008 RFTC is gone, i will have to re-publish it.
Joe Fitz wins April
Joe Fitz and Tommy Sica battled a 21 person field to the end with Joe winning out in the final head to head battle.  Here are all the results from that night:
Player Rank Hitman Points $$$$
Joe Fitz 1 200 $588.00
Tommy Sica 2 Joe Fitz 130 $420.00
Mark SI 3 Joe Fitz 100 $294.00
pat callaghan 4 Joe Fitz 120 $210.00
Lou Man 5 Mark SI 100 $147.00
Artie 6 Tommy Sica 80 $126.00
Sally 7 Artie 70 $105.00
Joe G 8 Joe Fitz 40 $84.00
VJ 9 Artie
Harry 10 Lou Man
Kevin Jamin 11 Sally
Kevin 12 pat callaghan
Brandon 13 Lou Man
Tommy Dags 14 Lou Man
Steve 15 Sally
Issy 16 pat callaghan
Willie 17 Joe Fitz
John Sica 18 pat callaghan
Lynn 19 Tommy Sica
Phil 20 pat callaghan
Chris SI 21 Tommy Sica

Say it Ain't Snow!
Steve takes February Game!
A dozen players braved the snow to compete in the February game.  Steve Collins returned to winning form with a dominating victory.  VJ took second, continuing his strong play.  The game saw the return of the man who brought the game to Rockaway, Joe McGiveny, after a two year absence. 

For More Pictures click here:  February 08
Race For the Cup
 2007 saw James Quig III take the cup with his  640 points in seven tournaments, beating out Tommy Dags who had 530 points in the same amount of tournaments.
Tournament of Champions
Tommy Dags beat out a field of eight to win the 2007 TOC.  Tommy outlasted Greg Tracy to be the first to have his name on the Trophy.
Sica Cup
Teddy fought off the defending champ VJ to be the 2008 Sica Cup Winner.