Cleveland Rocks

Sica home       thursday in chicago         Chicago home

We had a great 17 hours in Cleveland and wished we had more time there.  Great hotel, stadium, bars.  Here are some pictures but the stories will come later.

We drove to Cleveland on Friday morning/afternoon and found out our hotel was awesome.  It was right across the street from the Stadium and our room was a giant suite with living room, kitchen, giant bedroom and views of the Stadium.  We were starving though so we set out to find a beer and some food.  a block away was the Thirsty Parrot.  Our second tiki bar of the week.  The atmosphere inside was great and the food was great too.  We originally planned on going to the Rock and Roll hall of fame, but we were too relaxed to rush around. 
  Our seats for the game were great. 
As you can see me and Trish were dressed for the rock hall of fame.   
  The stadium itself is awesome.  I think its one of the best one's i've ever been too.  Why you ask?  first this scoreboard.  they talk about the screen in Yankee stadium, but this one is amazing. 
Secondly, you know how Yankee Stadium has monument park, that is in center field and you have to come to the stadium hours early to take a rushed tour?  Cleveland has their Monument Park next to the bleachers and you can go in anytime unsupervised.   
  "Shoeless Joe" 
Cy Young and Rocky Colavito.  A Blast from the past,